Plant Study Group at Mt Bindo Plant Study Group at Mt Bindo  (Malcolm Hughes)
Plant Study Group - 2024

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Yearly programs (with reports from outings where available):
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The BMCS Plant Study Group (PSG) generally meets on the second Saturday of each month and travels to different locations in the Blue Mountains. Before attending for the first time please contact Meredith by email at Changes to the program appear in red.

Plant Study Group 2024 Program

Notes: *Outing is a week earlier than usual. **Additional outing.

13 Jan Mount Bindo, Hampton   Sue Nicol  report
10 Feb Mt Victoria TBA   Alison Hewitt
24 Feb Deanei Reserve, Springwood   Meredith Brownhill
Plant Id with Bushcare Group
9 Mar Pt Pilcher, BM National Park   Meredith Brownhill  report
23 Mar Hampton private property   Meredith Brownhill  report

13 Apr Glenbrook Lagoon   Ros King & Valentin Siderskiy with guest speaker  report
11 May Winmalee, identifying eucalypts in the field   Don Cameron  report
8 Jun Lalor Drive, Springwood   Helen Yoxall  report
22 Jun Deanei Reserve   Meredith Brownhill with Bushcare group  report

13 Jul Murphy’s Glen, Woodford   Jelena Emmerick  report
10 Aug Faulconbridge Mallee Ridge   Margaret Baker  report
14 Sep Cumberland Plains   Meredith Brownhill & Alison Hewitt
Bus Trip report

12 Oct Birrabang Ridge, B.M. National Park   Sue Nicol report
9 Nov Fairy Falls & Echo Pt. Lawson   Jo Newman report
23 Nov Boyd River Crossing   Meredith Brownhill
14 Dec Charles Darwin Walk, Xmas lunch in Wilson Park Lesley Gersen report


11 Apr Thirlmere Lakes
Bus trip with Thursday Walkers
Bookings: contact Maurice - M/P 0402 402 783

2024 Reports  (click image to see a larger version)

14 December - Charles Darwin Walk, Xmas lunch in Wilson Park

Lepidosperma limicolaLepidosperma limicola
(Meredith Brownhill)
We had an interesting time observing the swamp formation on each side of Jamison Creek. Blue Mountains Swamps are an Endangered ecological community being endemic and unique to the Upper Blue Mountains.

We identified plants that typify this community such as Gymnochoenus sphaerocephalus, Lepidosperma limicola, and Grevillea acanthifolia in flower.

Also in flower were Dampiera purpurea, Bauera rubioides, and Styphelia incarnata was just finishing.

We shared a delicious lunch around picnic tables in Wilson Park and made plans for 2025, which is shaping up to be another good year.

Leader Lesley Gersen. Report Meredith Brownhill.

9 November - Fairy Falls & Echo Pt. Lawson

Comesperma ericinumPoranthera ericifolia
(Janice Hughes)
Twelve members of plant group had an interesting morning looking at spring flowers and a wonderful diversity of flora.

We saw Eucalypt Woodlands, some swamp plants around the waterfalls and, a special wet cliff face plant community with Styphelia monticola showing its white flowers high up on the wet rocks and Styphelia incarnata beside the track.

Yellow flowering plants won the day with Hibbertia bracteata, Isopogon anemonifolius and, Dillwynia retorta just finishing its flowering season. Poranthera ericifolia with delicate white flowers was a delight. We ate our lunch together sitting peacefully below some Eucalypts on a rocky ledge, and listened to the cicada chorus that is having its 7th year emergence this spring.

Leader Jo Newman. Report Meredith Brownhill.

12 October - Birrabang Ridge

Comesperma ericinumComesperma ericinum
(Janice Hughes)
We donned raincoats on a damp and misty spring day to look at plants recovering from the catastrophic fires of summer 2019/20. Just at the start of the ridge top walking track, which led to views of the Grose Valley, we were embraced by flowering Gompholobiums and Pomaderris in various shades of yellow.

Eucalypts were recovering with new leaf growth and we noticed some Proteaceae shrubs with multiple stems, as in a mallee form of growth, such as Hakea laevipes. Beside the track there were white flowers as well as clumps of Comesperma ericinum and scattered Mirbelia rubiifolia spreading over the ground.

Telopea speciosissima looked lovely in the misty woodlands and so, feeling quite damp and with water running into our boots we finished the morning with lunch in a cosy café in Mt Victoria.

Leader: Sue Nicol - Report: Meredith Brownhill

14 September - Wianamatta Regional Park

Wurmbea glandulosaWurmbea biglandulosa
(Helen Yoxall)
Our bus trip and visit to Ropes Crossing on the Cumberland Plains attracted 19 keen botanists, some were regular members and we were joined by guests.

Perfect Spring weather kept us comfortable. The pea bushes including Daviesia ulicifolia, Dillwynia sieberi and listed Threatened species Pultenaea parviflora and Dillwynia tenuifolia, were all putting on a prominent yellow flower show.

There were also Eucalypts to entertain; the Epacridaceae - Astroloma humifusum and Lissanthe strigosa had early fruits; and new to some of us were Cryptandra spinescens and Wurmbea biglandulosa with its delicate flowers. A hint of mauve, with Calotis cuneifolia and Prostanthera scutellarioides in flower, added to the colourful flowers we saw.

Leader & report Alison Hewitt.

10 August - Faulconbridge Mallee Ridge

Acacia Oxycedrus Adeline ParkAcacia Oxycedrus Adeline Park
(Margaret Baker)
Thanks to a welcome sunny respite from the wet and windy weather of late winter, 16 enthusiastic members of the Plant Study Group and the BMCS Introduction to Native Plants Group combined to enjoy the first of the new season colours against the backdrop of golden Hawkesbury Sandstone.

Welcomed by the abundant bright yellow flowers of Acacia oxycedrus and the groves of Eucalyptus burgessiana (Faulconbridge Mallee) collected from here by Laurie Johnson and Colin Burgess in just 1953, the group went on to identify every flowering plant evident on this day. Woollsia pungens, Dillwynia elegans, Boronia ledifolia and many other species provided a taste of the biodiversity potential of this extensive ridge.

In addition to documenting the plants participants thoughtfully discussed other aspects of this ridgetop environment: the very long Aboriginal history, the importance of Linden Creek in the region’s ecology and hydrology, recreational use since the late 1880s excursions to Peggys Pool and the challenge of conservation in the face of expanding suburbia.

Leaders Margaret Baker, Helen Yoxall and Jill Dark - Report: Margaret Baker

13 July - Murphy's Glen, Woodford

Polyscias murrayiPolyscias murrayi
(Helen Yoxall)
The Plant Study Group met on 13th July to survey the plants of Murphy's Glen in B. M. National Park. Eight members surveyed plants beside the road leading into the camp ground and the lower end of the Turpentine Walking Track. A new plant list was assembled. Orchids and Acacias were the main genera flowering with many other plants in bud. Four species of Pterostylis were found in flower.

A member observed Polyscias murrayi – not commonly seen, but previously recorded in Woodford - growing close to a large Eucalyptus deanei. With intrepid investigation, she established that the Polyscias was actually growing in a hollow of the Eucalypt. It will be interesting to see how this partnership develops in the years to come.

Leader & report Jelena Emmerick.

22 June - Deanei Reserve, Springwood

Deanei ReserveDeanei Reserve
(Helen Yoxall)
It was a frosty morning when plant group members met with the Deanei Bushcare Group. Identifying plants together was very worthwhile and improved our understanding of floristic diversity and the importance of bushcare in caring for this reserve.

The Deanei Reserve has rare and Endangered Ecological Communities in it that are protected by local and state government legislation. In the Blue Mountains Shale Cap Forest community we saw Eucalyptus deanei, Syncarpia glomulifera and E. punctata, which is favoured by koalas. The ground layer of herbs and grasses was dense.

Turpentine Ironbark Forest is the other endangered community. Unfortunately we did not find any Ironbarks - E. fibrosa and E. crebra. They probably were logged long ago.

Leader & report Meredith Brownhill.

8 June - Lalor Drive, Springwood

Chloanthes stoechadisChloanthes stoechadis
(Sue Nicol)
10 members took part in our field trip along the Lalor Drive Fire Trail on the southern side of Springwood, an open forest area dominated largely by Eucalyptus piperita, Corymbia gummifera and Syncarpia glomulifera. We encountered here again the roughbark Eucalyptus consideniana (Yertchuk), a species unfamiliar to many of us which we saw on last month’s field trip to Winmalee.

Discovered in flower was an intriguing member of the mint family with tubular greenish-yellow flowers - Chloanthes stoechadis. The specific epithet “stoechadis” refers to the French Lavender and was given to our plant as it has similar wrinkled leaves.

Other plants flowering here in winter were Acacia hispidula, Acacia suaveolens, Acacia ulicifolia, Euryomyrtus ramosissima, Grevillea mucronulata, Phyllota phylicoides and Woollsia pungens.

Lunch was enjoyed on a rocky outcrop looking over the valley of Glenbrook Creek across to Lost World.

Leader and report Helen Yoxall

11 May - Winmalee, identifying eucalypts in the field

Eucalypts and friends Good Forest Eucalyptus consideniana at Winmalee
(Don Cameron)
Looking before leaping is good practice for identifying eucalypts in the field, and the gentle rain on the day helped the 6 of us on the outing to do just that.

This set the scene for us to efficiently use A Key to Blue Mountains Eucalypts: Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus species native to Blue Mountains Local Government Area, which Peter and Judy Smith have expertly compiled and continue to refine.

Leader and report Don Cameron

13 April - Glenbrook Lagoon

Eucalypts and friends Good Forest Lepironia articulata at Glenbrook Lagoon
(Meredith Brownhill)
On a sunny autumn day 10 members walked around Glenbrook lagoon identifying aquatic plants, which were new to some of us. The lagoon was full with water so we walked on the perimeter with swathes of a tall grey – blue rush growing in the water adjacent to us. Lepironia articulata only grows in Glenbrook in the Blue Mountains and as far south as Thirlmere Lakes in Australia.

The new floating island for Eastern Snake-necked Turtles (Chelodina longicollis) was occupied by Ducks and a Darter drying its wings.

There were many species of Eucalypts around the lagoon - some were planted and not endemic to the area, so identification kept us all busy.

Leader Ros King; Report: Meredith Brownhill

23 March - Good Forest/Hampton

Eucalypts and friends Good Forest Eucalypts and friends Good Forest
(Meredith Brownhill)
Members keen to explore further west visited a friend’s private property on the eastern slopes of the tableland ranges. The property is regenerating following the removal of cattle with the regrowth of Eucalypt Woodlands and native grasses such as Microlaena stipoides.

The shrub layer was sparse. A population of Acacia gunnii, a plant of the higher tablelands was doing well, and a good diversity of ground covers such as Goodenia hederacea in flower indicates future recovery.

Happily we sat under a tree to complete the morning's survey with a good cuppa, good company and wonderful views across the valley towards the Blue Mountains.

Leader, Report: Meredith Brownhill

9 March - Medlow Bath

Spraying ShoesSpraying Shoes
(Meredith Brownhill)
Our largest group ever of 17 members started the day by spraying our shoes with 70% Methylated Spirit to kill Phytopthora cinnamomi fungal spores on our shoes and protect the vegetation from root rot.

We walked through Eucalyptus oreades Open Forest in Medlow Bath with tall white tree trunks around us inspiring our interest. They are cold climate trees so are very vulnerable to the warming climate.

We visited E. piperita, E. radiata, E. blaxlandii Woodlands and finally, at Pt. Point Pilcher enjoyed views of spectacular sandstone cliffs with flowering Corymbias on the slopes in the valley. After lunch in the shade we strolled to a small swamp which completed our day of great floristic diversity.

Leader, Report: Meredith Brownhill

13 January - Mt Bindo

Persoonia acuminataPersoonia acuminata
(Sue Nicol)
The first outing for 2024, on our new day of the 2nd Saturday of the month, attracted 9 members.

We took three cars for the drive to Mt Bindo which is in the Hampton State Forest and has an altitude of 1360m. We were lucky to have a warm, sunny day as two days later it was 11° and drizzling.

As we drove up through the pine forest the air cooled a little to 24°. We stopped to examine the first plant of interest, the low, spreading Persoonia acuminata, which is found only on the higher parts of the tableland. It grows in profusion on the upper slopes of Mt Bindo. On very rocky slopes we saw an unusual form of Platysace lanceolata.

We finally emerged from the pines into native eucalypt forest and snow gum woodland (Eucalyptus pauciflora) on the upper slopes and summit area. The ground cover included Stellaria pungens and bracken ferns.

We had seen signs warning us that we would be under surveillance at the summit, where there are various installations and observation towers. Sure enough while sitting eating our lunch we were visited by a security guard, curious to know what a bunch of people were doing hanging round the base of the towers. He would have realised instantly that none of us mainly older women had plans to scale the ladders!

Leader, Report: Sue Nicol

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© 2025  Blue Mountains Conservation Society Inc.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land
– the Darug and Gundungurra people –
and pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.
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