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Threats to Protection

Aboriginal Cave Art Aboriginal Cave Art
Our reserve and parks proposal for the Gardens of Stone is for all to enjoy - it has received terrific support from scientists, environmental, recreational groups and thousands of people passionate about the environment across NSW.

And, we have succeeded in having two sections of our original proposal reserved!

But the stability and health of the remainder of the proposal is vulnerable to large companies, who are wanting to mine coal, either by open-cut and or other high-impact methods.

Sadly, more responsible lower-impact methods which could help protect the environment don't seem to be on their agenda.

Open-cut mining rips up all the natural, native bush and destroys the animals' homes and food supplies. It also unleashes large amounts of dust and harmful pollution into the atmosphere.

High-wall mining destabilises the fragile pagodas.

Underground longwall mining damages and drains the unique swamps and waterfalls above unless it is tightly controlled. Underground mining is permitted in state conservation areas; however, it needs to be controlled so that it does not damage the conservation values.

While rehabilitation is attempted it can never replace what has been lost and what the animals rely upon. In relation to open cut mining, the independent Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) confirmed in 2013 that no open cut mining area had ever been successfully rehabilitated in NSW.

Other threats are unregulated four-wheel drive and trail-bike activities and timber cutting.

Coalpac open-cut mining proposals defeated

The Gardens of Stone Alliance objected to two recent proposals by Coalpac for large scale open cut mining in the Ben Bullen State Forest ,part of the Gardens of Stone. Due to significant community objection and a review by the PAC the 2012 proposal was withdrawn and the 2014 revised proposal, was rejected by the NSW planning system. The Gardens of Stone Alliance objected to two recent proposals by Coalpac for large scale open cut mining in the Ben Bullen State Forest, part of the Gardens of Stone. Due to significant community objection and a review by the PAC the 2012 proposal was withdrawn and the 2014 revised proposal, was rejected by the NSW planning system.

Current threats

Current threats to the Gardens of Stone are:

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© 2025  Blue Mountains Conservation Society Inc.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land
– the Darug and Gundungurra people –
and pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.
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